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Special Location

The Beauties of Alexandria, Virginia

24 Hour Cancellation Available

Alexandria, Virginia- the current and past, childhood residence of yours truly- occupies a special place in the heart of Virginian and U.S. national history. When it was originally established in 1749, Alexandria was a 60-acre, 84-lot port city where farmers and merchants harvested wheat, sold livestock, and grew tobacco (to sell to England). Alexandria was located just south of Great Falls, where the Potomac River lost all depth and became unnavigable. Most important, though, it was where the first U.S. president, continental army general, and Founding Father George Washington lived. Come, let's explore his home city...and mine.

Expected Tour Length: 2 hours 0 mins

Number of Stops: 19

Tour Type: 🚗 driving

Key Locations

  • • Masonic Temple 
  • • Torpedo Factory 
  • • Carlyle House 
  • • Gadsby's Tavern 
  • • Apothecary Museum 


  • • Private tour, completely controlled by you!
  • • Pintours App allows for full personalization.
  • • Pause or skip any stop on the tour.
  • • Unlimited free time, stay as long as you want
  • • Free access to secret info per stop


Nice Views
Historical Sites
Nature Spots
Artistic Scenery

Designed By

Profile Pic

Peter Smeallie

Hello there. I'm Peter. I studied at the International Tour Management Institute (ITMI) back in 2013 and have been tour guiding/managing since then in the Washington D.C. and surrounding region. I've worked with student groups, individuals, and the general public giving commentary on the sights and sounds in the U.S. nation's capital. I've also enjoyed traveling, and, in the past 10 years, have visited China, the Grand Canyon, Cusco and Machu Picchu, Dublin, Belfast, and Athens, Greece. Hopefully you enjoy my tours!

See all my tours

Tour Sample


Start Location

$20 /tour ($5 per extra person)

Total: $20